Most Days(2 min read)

Most Days | Borrowed Arrows

Most Days(2 min read)

Most Days | Borrowed Arrows

Most days I feel asleep:
Asleep to the things of Christ.
Like nothing seems to make sense.
As if everything around me is moving,

And all I can do is watch.

Yet I feel it when it bubbles up inside me,
As I watch the world go by.
Time is non-existent,

And so am I.

All that I could be only rattles my brain.
I have no dream or vision.
I am nothing!

I know I am.


Cross overlooking city in the valley.
He thought I was something worth dying for. How can I then be nothing?

What about my Jesus!?
He thought I was someone worth dying for.
How can I then be nothing?

Maybe I am nothing,

But what materials did God use,
To form the worlds and bring them into existence?
He used absolutely NOTHING,
But spoke them and they were.
Maybe I’m exactly what He’s looking for.

A nothing to be spoken into a something.

“Maybe I’m exactly what He’s looking for.
A nothing to be spoken into a something.”

How hard is it really,
To give up myself as nothing,
To Someone Who can actually do something,
With my life,

Just as I am?

It isn’t hard,
But it certainly isn’t easy,
To admit that you really are nothing,
And God is BIG enough,
And REAL enough,
To do the impossible,
(Or what you think to be impossible),

“…but with God all things are possible.”

Big enough and Real enough.
God is big enough and real enough to do the impossible.

So am I really asleep?
Or am I just sitting in the back seat,
Pretending to be asleep,
Hoping that my Heavenly Father,
Will just carry me through life,
So that I never truly have to walk in faith?

Most days,

I’m just not willing to be awake.

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  1. This is beautiful. It takes real talent to translate what you are feeling in your heart and arrange it in such a way that everyone who reads it can feel it too.

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